1st electric pruning shears
in the world
Pruning shear weight : 1160 g
Battery weight : 4520 g
Power : 790 kg pressure
ELECTROCOUP pruning shear 1st generation.
Daniel DELMAS had an ingenious idea and began to look at how he could improve his wine-growing friends’ working conditions in the Gaillac region of France.
He invented the world’s first electric pruning shears in the winter of 1984-1985 in the family’s service station garage.
He patented his innovating rotating cam blade drive system.
In 1985, thanks to this invention, he won the Gold prize at the SITEVI-85 innovation contest.
He sold the first 500 tools in just 3 days of trade fair.
That model was the first in a long line and was the start of a wonderful and passionate human adventure.