To prune its 400 ha of orchards, EARL Racamier has invested in 56 Infaco electric pruning shears.
Pascal Racamier, an arboriculturist in the Bouches-du-Rhône region of France, emphasised the benefits of Infaco's electric pruning shears: reducing drudgery, making work more comfortable and boosting productivity. In 2021, the EARL will switch from manual pruning shears to electric pruning shears to prune 400 hectares of peach, nectarine and apricot orchards. The Racamier family chose Infaco and invested in 56 Electrocoup electric pruning shears.
On the Crau plain in Provence, the EARL Racamier pruners now use Infaco electric pruning shears. Small and large hand pruning shears are a thing of the past! With electric pruning shears, only one pruning shear is needed for both small and large cuts.
On the four EARL farms, Pascal Racamier notes productivity gains of 20 to 30%. With the Infaco electric pruning shears, the free hand can remove the cut wood directly from the tree. The technology also makes work more comfortable. There's less strain on the shoulders, and you don't have to climb a stepladder to find the right cutting angle.
With two years' hindsight, in his 400 ha of peach, nectarine and apricot orchards, Pascal Racamier also notes that the quality of pruning has improved.