F3020 electric pruning shears on a stump.
Foto cesoie per viticoltura F3020 - INFACO

Health and safety at work must remain a key argument

Protect your health by using lightweight tools

For winegrowing professionals, using the lightest possible equipment should be a priority. This weight is carried at arm's length and in the long term can lead to musculoskeletal problems and/or shoulder disorders. Currently, on the electric pruning shears market, there are those with a built-in battery and those with a remote battery:

  • On average, a pruning shear with a built-in battery weighs 950 grams.
  • Whereas a pruning shear with a battery weighs between 708 grams and 810 grams (excluding battery).

That's a minimum difference of 242 grams, which weighs heavily over a day's work. The difficulty of a job is measured by taking into account the intensity of the work (i.e. the weight carried) multiplied by the repeatability. In other words, it can be much harder to carry 242 grams for a whole day, over several months, than 20 kg just once!

Tailleur équipé du DSES Contactless en vigne avec mitaine de portage - INFACO

Think about safety by using tools with innovative protection systems

The agricultural world is particularly hard hit by accidents at work. According to a 2018 MSA report, almost a quarter of agricultural work accidents are caused by powered cutting hand tools, of which electric pruning shears are one. Furthermore, one in four accidents involving power-assisted pruning shears is considered serious. Winegrowing, in particular, has a higher-than-average accident frequency and severity rate, mainly due to the multi-skilled nature of the work involved. The main risks inherent in the job include musculoskeletal disorders (discussed above) and the risk of cuts. These are completely reduced by using the F3020 with the Contactless option. The Contactless safety option ensures greater user safety, and for employers it means a reduction in the risk of accidents and, consequently, time off work.

In a sector where recruitment is complicated, the argument of work comfort and safety must remain essential: employees who feel comfortable and protected will work more serenely.